Hey, I'm David
Senior Experience Designer
With 8 years of experience at Westpac, I design smarter, interactive tools that make banking easy and finances approachable. Specialising in mobile-native experiences, I bring a passion for creating intuitive, educational, and data-driven designs across web, mobile, and emerging tech.
I'm driven by a passion for technology’s role in shaping future experiences, seamlessly integrating into daily life, travel, and entertainment.

Engagement & Customer Values Research
Every successful project starts with understanding the customer, this research project aimed to check-in on how our customers were choosing to interact with our features, whether they were meeting their expectations and what we could do to improve our features.
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Helping to build, and stick to, a budget
Everyone knows how critical a budget is to achieving your goals, but not everyone knows how to make or stick to one. This feature aims to turn that around, by providing a flexible tool to help our customers create a budget that suits their needs.
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Understanding the impact our spending has on the environment
We know climate change is a real and current danger, but many individuals don't know or understand how their decisions impact the environment. This feature aims to help contextualise how an individual's spending impacts the environment.
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Helping to make moving money faster and easier
Making payments and moving your money around is becoming ever more complex, with so many different technical options for the customer; PayID, BPAY, BSB and Account Number, MyMerchant and many more. We needed to design a new, expandable and flexible hub that could help make navigating anything to do with payments easier for our customers.
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Evolving Banking One Step At A Time
Over the course of 8 years I've been fortunate enough to see, and be involved with, many major milestones for mobile banking at Westpac. This article documents many of these proud moments of mine, my lessons learnt from it, and how they help to inspire me to evolve my design practice.
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