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This is custom heading element

This is custom heading element

This is custom heading element

Over the course of my time at Westpac I’ve worked on a number of iterations on modernising and evolving how customers interact with and understand their bank accounts. This project is password protected.

[vc_button button_color=”accent” border_width=”0″ link=”|title:Westpac%20Accounts%20Experience”]Learn more[/vc_button]
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This is custom heading element

This is custom heading element

Credit Cards, Bank Cards and more are central to the way customers can interact with their money. However new technologies have made digital cards, temporary numbers and card settings easier to control for our customers. This project is password protected.

[vc_button button_color=”color-wvjs” border_width=”0″ link=”url:%23|||”]Coming soon[/vc_button]
[vc_single_image media=”85415″ media_width_percent=”100″ media_ratio=”three-four”]

This is custom heading element

This is custom heading element

Providing your personal details to locations you visit for the sake of contact tracing often results in less than stellar privacy and security. I wanted to change how customers could protect their health whilst not exposing their personal details to scams, junk email, or worse.

This is a personal project, part of a series of conceptual and experimental ideas that I wanted to document and share.

[vc_button button_color=”accent” border_width=”0″ link=”|title:Check-in%20Safe”]Learn more[/vc_button]
[vc_single_image media=”85146″ media_width_percent=”100″ media_ratio=”three-four”]

This is custom heading element

This is custom heading element

A journey through history, The Capsule, invites the audience to take on the challenges of the era of the atomic bomb. From looking through the scientific documents of building the bomb to deciding on whether to drop it, The Capsule challenges its audience’s perspective on history.

This is a personal project, part of a series of conceptual and experimental ideas that I wanted to document and share.

[vc_button button_color=”accent” border_width=”0″ link=””]Learn more[/vc_button]
[vc_single_image media=”85153″ media_width_percent=”100″ media_ratio=”three-four”]

This is custom heading element

This is custom heading element

Take a stroll through the Disney Parks whilst listening to audio tours describing the history, culture, design, and stories behind the most magical place on earth. You’ll also be able to get fan-made guides to find the best food, photo spots, and more.

This is a personal project, part of a series of conceptual and experimental ideas that I wanted to document and share.

[vc_button button_color=”accent” border_width=”0″ link=”|title:Kingdom%20Pass”]Learn more[/vc_button]
[vc_single_image media=”85385″ media_width_percent=”100″ media_ratio=”three-four”]

This is custom heading element

This is custom heading element

AusPoll connects and informs Australian citizens about the events inside and surrounding Federal, State, and Local government. The service allows users to review, share, and comment on upcoming bills, discussions, and political events.

This is a personal project, part of a series of conceptual and experimental ideas that I wanted to document and share.

[vc_button button_color=”accent” border_width=”0″ link=”|title:AusPoll”]Learn more[/vc_button]
[vc_single_image media=”85413″ media_width_percent=”100″ media_ratio=”three-four”]

This is custom heading element

This is custom heading element

MCC or Minecraft Championships is a competitive event for 40 content creators split into 10 teams. Over the course of the event, players compete in 8 unique fun mini-games. Puzzle Cube is a passion project I created to conceptualize an unofficial mini-game to add to the lineup that tested a range of Minecraft skills.

This is custom heading element

[vc_button button_color=”accent” border_width=”0″ link=”url:%23|||”]Learn more[/vc_button]
[vc_single_image media=”85163″ media_width_percent=”100″ media_ratio=”three-four”]