We celebrate and support small artists and their businesses by creating iMessage Sticker Packs and allowing their audience to share their work digitally via their favourite messaging platform. We share with artists a majority of the profit from each purchase, allowing artists to continue creating.
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Open up a chat thread in iMessage, above the keyboard tap on the App Store logo, this will launch the iMessage App Store.
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The best way to search the sticker packs we’ve created is to search our developer name; ‘David Simpson’. This will bring up all the sticker packs we’ve created.
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Select your favourite sticker pack and hit ‘buy’ to download it
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Find your newly purchased sticker pack above the keyboard within an iMessage chat thread, select it and then tap and drag a sticker on top of a message. Once you lift your finger it’ll release. You can also just tap a sticker to send it normally.
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Our iMessage Sticker Packs don’t collect any personally-identifying information. Apple collects some non-personal data about users of apps and sticker packs, such as crash data, number of installations per geographic region, and iOS version/Apple devices used with the sticker pack app.
We may share generalised information with artists such as geographical reach, downloads per sticker pack and devices used to help artists learn what art and stickers people like.
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We’re all about supporting small artists and creators to reach new audiences and ensure they get paid for their work. For transparency, we only take a small proportion of profits to pay for maintenance and operations and pass on a majority of the profits to the artists so they can continue their great work.
As we grow we’ll list out the artists and their work here.