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Once you provide us with all the assets, art or content required by us to build a sticker pack and submit it to the App Store we’ll begin the build of the pack. Once complete we’ll provide you with a TestFlight BETA version of the sticker pack for you to approve. This process may take several days, we’ll provide an ETA once your assets, art or content is received.

You may add or remove stickers from your sticker packs on request, and we encourage you to do so, this keeps your sticker pack fresh and rewarding for your customers. Updating a sticker pack may take us several days after receipt of your assets, art or content, we’ll provide an ETA once your assets, art or content is received.

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Once you have approved the BETA version of the sticker pack we’ll submit it to the iOS App Store for approval by Apple. Once approved by Apple we’ll release it for sale.

We will manage all assets and requirements to allow for the app to continue being sold on the iOS App Store, this includes updating it for the relevant iOS software updates and any new rules or requirements by Apple. 

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We may remove your iMessage Sticker App(s) or refuse to include in part or whole of a sticker pack in any of three instances. 

1. You request the removal of your iMessage Sticker Apps. You can request us to remove your iMessage Sticker Apps from sale at any time, no questions asked, however we may take up to 30 days to remove the app from sale depending on timelines and other iOS App Store requirements. 

2. We believe your assets, art or content no longer fit our values. This includes, but not limited to, art that is inappropriate, sensitive or infringes the copy right of other artists, creators or businesses. We will reach out to you via email or message to discuss these concerns.

3. Apple or the iOS App Store requires the removal of the sticker app. We will email or message you in the event that Apple requests the removal or outright removes your content from sale. We have no control or influence over Apple’s decisions. 

4. We discontinue our services. We reserve the right to discontinue our services at any time. We will try our best to give you at least 60 days’ notice to allow you to find alternate solutions.

All the above events will result in your iMessage Sticker App being removed from sale and use by your customers. If you ever decide to re-start selling your Sticker Packs, existing customers will need to purchase the sticker pack again. 

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We will pay you the agreed-to portion of each individual sale price once the funds of sale have been released to us by Apple unless otherwise communicated with you. Apple releases funds to developers once the funds of sale reach $150 USD after any Apple fees. We will aim to send you funds on the first business day of each month based on the Australian calendar. We use PayPal to send and receive money, you will be required to provide us with a PayPal account in which we can deposit the funds. 

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You will provide us with your assets, art and content in order to produce the iMessage Sticker Packs. You agree that you own all the rights to the assets, art and content you provide us and do not provide content that could infringe on anyone else’s rights. You also agree to provide us with assets, art and content that is not offensive, sensitive or illegal in any way. 

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You agree to promote your iMessage Sticker Apps, in an appropriate way, on all platforms you use to post your content. This ensures together we can reach as many of your audience to sell your iMessage Sticker Apps to. 

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